
A Sneaker Evolution

Those shoes that you just can’t live without, that you use for working out, doing yard work, walking, running or just hanging out – the sneaker – has a fascinating history. The sneaker has been around since the 1800s when the Industrial Revolution took hold on America and rubber began being produced. Sneakers were once called plimsolls when they were…

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Proper Shoes On The Course Pay Off

Too often do I walk on the course and see people playing golf in their Tennis and running shoes. It’s ironic, if you contemplate how much time and money they’ve invested in just getting to the greens and they haven’t settled in a good pair of golfing shoes. Unfortunately it’s more often that I see a female member of the…

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Web Hosting

Shoes On Sale

It takes quite a while to check the morning paper and see which stores are offering sales, and which have shoes that you really need for a day at the office. While checking these shoes on sale, you see the item that you want to go buy, and realize that you have wanted it for ages, but wanted to wait…

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Health Fitness

How Do You Fit Pointe Shoes Properly

All brands make several different shapes and styles of pointe shoes, which are designed for different people and different uses. This is often very confusing for first time buyers, so if at all possible get your dance teacher, or an experienced dancer to go along to the fitting with you. The fitters in various stores can range from exceptional to…

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Smelly Feet Blame The Bacteria

There are two simple and straight forward reasons for having smelly feet one is the kind of shoe you wear and the other is the sweating of your feet. Sweating is an important process which helps to maintain our body temperature. It helps to remove waste products from our body, but sometime these smells become unbearable. Some individuals perspire more…

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Shoes For Medical Professionals

Ask any professional in the medical and nursing industry, that’s on their feet all day long, what the greatest necessity is to working long hours standing or running from place to place, and it’s going to be “a good pair of shoes”. Not only do you need good sturdy shoes for healthy feet and legs but they need to be…

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Health Fitness

What Pointe Shoes Are Best For My Feet

There are many different brands of pointe shoes, made in very different countries and there is no one shoe that is perfect for everyone. Different dancers have different shaped feet, and so require different proportions to their shoe to get that magic fit. Some people have very long narrow toes while others have a very broad foot with a very…

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Web Hosting

Shopping For The Designer Shoes

If you are a picky person who is totally obsessed by the wide assortment of awesome designs of the designer shoes, then you are not alone. There are millions of people like you who have probably faced the problems and difficulties of shopping for the designer shoes. The World Wide Web has come up with the awe-inspiring facilities and an…

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How To Reduce Foot Pain

Metatarsal stress fractures or a bone spur can cause pain at the top of the foot. A bone spur is an enlarged bone that looks like a bump on top of the foot. The bone spur is likely the result of too much pressure or too tight shoes. The most common remedy for bone spurs involves wearing a larger size…

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