Internet Marketing

Secret Yet Powerful Marketing Weapon Revealed

So you’ve tried direct mail, advertising, you’ve got a web site, maybe you’ve even tried networking as a marketing strategy. These and many other marketing strategies are all good and if performed properly will most likely bring you favorable results. A word to the wise here though, some of them can run you a fortune in marketing costs. And in…

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Home Family

Aging And Mid Life Crisis

Isn’t it time to put into action all the things you dream about? Have you not spent the first 20 years of your life being trained and conditioned as someone’s child or student? Following all the instructions and rules set forth before you. Remember those that ended up rebellious always paying the task masters for that small taste of self…

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Stock Market

Fair Value Of A Common Stock

A lot of discussions have been devoted towards finding fair value of an investment. The goal of every investors is to find undervalued investment and sell it when it reaches fair value. Admittedly, this is the hardest part of investing. So, what is fair value? Fair value is a point where the price of an investment reflect its earning power.…

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Infidelity Spying Is Not Revenge

Do not use what you find on your cheating spouse as ammunition for revenge. Sure, you may have wonderfully violent fantasies of what you would really like to do to him/her and the other person. This is very normal. But, don’t act them out. Using what you find to extract revenge will only lengthen the time of pain and anger.…

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Mountain Biking Forums Global Gathering Places

One of the underlying factors accounting for the rapidly growing popularity of mountain biking is, undoubtedly, the wide availability of mountain biking forums. Mountain biking forums allow mountain bikers, of all ages and level of experience from all over the globe, to gather and share their enthusiasm for their sport. Every biker with Internet access has a huge community of…

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What A Gift We Have Been Given

“Close the door. Write with no one looking over your shoulder. Don’t try to figure out what other people want to hear from you. Figure out what you have to say. It’s the one and only thing you have to offer.” — Barbara Kingsolver I ran across this quote and have often thought it true ~ not only with authors,…

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House Exchange For Those On Vacation

If you are looking for a place to go on your next family vacation, you should consider time shares. These are rental units that you and others ‘rent’ together and share during different times of year. Time shares usually have three or four parties who pay rental dues that are used to pay the property taxes, upkeep and maintenance, and…

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Travel Tips

Accommodation In Australia Can Be Tricky

From experience I know that finding accommodation in Australia is a very delicate matter. Once you’ve saved the money to pay for your flying trip to Australia, you might think that nothing can come to you as a surprise anymore. (Yeah, that’s exactly what I thought). In Australia I was confronted with the brutal facts that made me realize that…

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Refreshing Your Relationship Share Your Day S Activities

Even the closest couples these days (with the rare, happy exceptions of those who work together) spend more awake time apart in their separate careers than they do together. The individual you are at work, no matter what career you pursue, is very different than the person you are within your romantic relationship. That is why everyone loves company parties:…

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