
Your Choices For Bass Fishing Hooks

Experienced bass fishermen have already learned about the different types of bass fishing hooks available. Novices in the sport should take the opportunity to learn about the different type of bass fishing hooks and their particular uses and advantages. Off Shank Hooks Off shank hooks are best used with artificual bait. They feature a bend at the top of the…

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Health Fitness

What Pointe Shoes Are Best For My Feet

There are many different brands of pointe shoes, made in very different countries and there is no one shoe that is perfect for everyone. Different dancers have different shaped feet, and so require different proportions to their shoe to get that magic fit. Some people have very long narrow toes while others have a very broad foot with a very…

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Buying A Boat

Buying The Right Anchor

The right way to use an anchor is probably one of the least understood areas of boating. If you are new to boating, you may be thinking – how hard can it be? You simply throw the anchor in the water, wait until it hits the bottom, then tie it off, correct? Anyone who is experienced with boating has probably…

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