
Bad Credit Start Rebuilding

Bad Credit? Lose The Shame, Take Responsibility, and Begin Rebuilding According to the research firm Sherbrooke and Associates, 43 percent of American households are “credit constrained.” This is probably because they carry too much current debt, or they were forced into making poor choices with their credit in the past. With interest rates rising and the housing market cooling, the…

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Internet Marketing

The Whole Truth And Nothing But The

And I’m not saying, “so help me God” either because…….. Here is the honest truth. It just kills me when day after day I see all these advertisements from these BIG name marketers. You know who they are, as I’m sure you receive their emails, too. Those big shots, also known as gurus, that claim to be making Sooo MUCH…

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Being Dumped Just Plain Sucks

Hurricanes really suck. Even if they do not reach you, they still threaten your safety net. Florida survived last years attack of Mother Nature, so we are a little more courageous this year. Not much, but a little. I would love to meet the person that pissed her off (Mother Nature). Not only does she get even, but she does…

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The Miracle Of Self Forgiveness

Our hearts melted into one another’s in instant recognition during that first hug. Two bodies reunited after 36 years…two spirits that had never been separated. The gap of time was instantly filled during that one moment of reunion. The bond of mother and daughter can never be broken. Only shame, guilt and remorse fed the fire of apparent separation. Only…

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Self Improvement

The Purpose Of Shame

Many people on a healing path have found it extremely challenging to heal their shame. Yet when you understand the purpose of shame, you will be able to move beyond it. Shame is the feeling that there is something basically wrong with you. Whereas the feeling of guilt is about DOING something wrong, shame is about BEING wrong at the…

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