Time Management

Stress Eliminating Affirmations

Our thoughts create our reality. Here are some Affirmations which create a more positive, happier more fulfilling reality. A. About Ability and Security 1. Anxiety solves no problems – actions do. 2. Some problems are problems only because I believe them to be. 3. I have the inner power and strength to deal with whatever life brings me. 4. I…

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Time Management

Your Self Worth Is Not Your Net Worth

Lisa, a friend of mine who has known me for the last 16 years, came to visit over the recent Christmas Holiday and asked me a powerful question I really had to stop and think about. As we were up late one night talking, she asked me, “What is biggest lesson you have learned in this whole process of bringing…

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Self Improvement

Fight For Your Self Worth

Self-Worth; this is a word that is so much easier to say, and spell then it is to feel! Why do so many women feel that they have no self-worth? How did they lose it? Is it because of the way the world has portrayed the perfect woman today? Is it because someone took it from them? Is that the…

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