
As Summer Fades Your Tan Doesn T Have To

Enjoying the sun has been a favorite pastime for people of all ages for many years. Today, it is still one of life’s free pleasures. In the early 1920s, “Sun Therapy” became very popular and was prescribed as a cure for everything from simple fatigue to tuberculosis. Around the same time, French fashion designer Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel popularized the tan…

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Womens Issues

Top 3 Tips To Great Tan

The popularity of self-tanning products is surging, showing that Americans are wising up about sun safety. They’re putting their money where their skin is. Skin takes a lot of wear and tear, so it naturally regenerates itself. Every 35-45 days the outer layer of the skin, the epidermis, is completely replaced. Since skin pigment is found in this upper layer,…

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