
Pepper Spray As A Non Lethal Self Defense Tool

We live at a time when crime rates are soaring despite better policing and governance. This seems to have some correlation with the increasing proportion of single women. More and more women today are single than in any other generation previous. It is sad and regrettable that as women are getting increasingly independent, they are also at a much higher…

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Martial Arts

Martial Arts Training More Than Just Self Defense

According to the FBI, four women die everyday as a result of domestic violence and about 130,000 women report that they’ve been victims of rape or attempted rape annually. Because of statistics like this, many women enroll in self-defense classes to learn the skills they need to defend themselves. The thing is, a short-term self-defense class may not address all…

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Home Security

A Common Question Should I Use Mace Or Pepper Spray

Pepper spray is a generic term for all self-defense sprays that contain oleoresin capsicum, a carrier, and a propellant. Oleoresin capsicum is the active ingredient in pepper spray, harvested or derived from cayenne peppers or other peppers. Its effects are physically incapacitating rather than painfully irritating; this makes it ideal for self-defense sprays that are intended for use on assailants…

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Womens Issues

Women S Self Defense Against Men

When looking at the increasing numbers of reports about violence against women, it is clear that women’s self-defense against men is becoming an important issue in today’s society. There are many products and techniques designed for women’s self-defense against men, from mace guns to judo and assertiveness training. Unfortunately, these things are becoming increasingly necessary, and it is essential to…

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