
Is Psychology A Science

All theories – scientific or not – start with a problem. They aim to solve it by proving that what appears to be “problematic” is not. They re-state the conundrum, or introduce new data, new variables, a new classification, or new organizing principles. They incorporate the problem in a larger body of knowledge, or in a conjecture (“solution”). They explain…

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What Judges Look For In Science Fair Projects

Science fair judges have specific things in mind when they review projects. Sure, they like interesting pictures, colorful displays and seeing clever ideas, but they also look for other, more specific, technical features. Let’s take a peak at some grading sheets from a few science fairs. One school used a point system to rate the most important elements of the…

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New Tendencies In The Art Of Advertising

How to sell things has become a science more than an art in the last few decades. Crowds of people of different professions work hard to find the way to be “different”. They use all their creativity to be appearing. New tendencies in advertising seem to be based on the idea “the first impact should be long-lasting and conservative”. The…

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Alternative Medicine

The Therapeutic Effect Of Colors

Color-spectrum therapy has been popular since the days of antiquity. In Ancient Rome, the healer Pleneus recommended precious red stones to stop bleeding, while in China, healers cured stomach discomforts by gently massaging the patient’s belly with the yellow color. In Western society, notions such as these have given way to the scientific understanding of light as electromagnetic energy, and…

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Scientists Give An A To Vitamin E Vitamin E Is Safe And Offers Well Documented Benefits Scientists Say

At a recent conference, scientists that specialize in nutritional oils met to examine vitamin E, discuss recent scientific advances and answer questions raised by a highly publicized 2004 article in Annals of Internal Medicine. Their conclusion was that vitamin E is safe and offers well-documented health benefits. The Hot Topics symposium at the American Oil Chemists Society annual meeting in…

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Creation Scientist

What is a young-earth “creation scientist?” Is there such a thing. Organizations such as Answers in Genesis and the Institute for Creation Research claim that their scientists are true scientists. They list a long list of scientists from the past who were creationists. Do these lists of scientists prove that creation science is true “science?” Let’s look at the definition…

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Health Fitness

Natural Treatments For Migraine

There is a huge controversy regarding natural treatments for migraine among migraine sufferers and scientists. Are there any natural options that work? The answer is not a simple one. For the majority of natural remedies that are traditionally passed from one generation to another, they are thought to lack scientific proof and to only use the placebo effect as a…

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Understanding The Scientific Method

Understanding the scientific method and how to follow it is critical to building a good reputation in the technical community. In regards to science fairs, as a student progresses in grade levels the judges are going to demand more and more focus on using the scientific method. Here is my seven step description of the scientific method. 1. Define the…

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Eat More Veggies Eat More Fruit Get Healthy Really

While it is common to see scientific studies on how health can be improved by using certain, particular supplements of vitamins and minerals it is not the same for the real McCoy. How true? Ask yourself and do a goggle search (or a PUB Med or any advanced search of scientific articles) about how many times you see a study–any…

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In Defense Of Psychoanalysis

No social theory has been more influential and, later, more reviled than psychoanalysis. It burst upon the scene of modern thought, a fresh breath of revolutionary and daring imagination, a Herculean feat of model-construction, and a challenge to established morals and manners. It is now widely considered nothing better than a confabulation, a baseless narrative, a snapshot of Freud’s tormented…

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