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How To Avoid Tantrums In Kids Of All Ages

Let’s face it, kids will be kids and they can’t possibly always be happy with every single decision that is made for them. Even from a very young age a child realizes that he/she is, in fact, a REAL person, with feelings, thoughts and emotions. This often leads to them wanting to do things their own way, making their own…

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Web Design

Maze Or Bagatelle Do You Need Online Navigation Buttons

This content should provoke you into reviewing your online visitor navigation if you are marketing just a few products. If you are actively marketing to find your perfect customer (Niche Marketing) your primary information must link into your contact’s main interest, like two entwined horse-shoe magnets. Now you’ve attracted your potential customer, does your business operate inside a maze system…

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Uae S Imbalanced Demography Poses Concerns

Even as Dubai’s rising expatriate population is being projected as a measure of its association with the outside world, many historians, media experts and political observers are looking at the same phenomenon with some concern these days. Very recently, an editorial in the Gulf News stated how eight out of every ten people living in the UAE were born abroad.…

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Are You Talking To Me

In poetic literature you will often find a poem that seems to be inviting the reader to participate in an adventure or a love story. The use of ‘you’ is evident in the poetry, but in most cases the reader understands that the poem is written to a third party and the author is simply allowing you the opportunity to…

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