Web Hosting

How To Weed Out Online Business Opportunity Scams

It’s unfortunate that the Internet, which seems to be the source of endless opportunity, is also the source of an even double (or triple) number of scams. Why? It’s much easier to formulate a scam that is “supposed” to give you some amazing benefit, but ends up stripping people of money and in fact giving the victim the complete opposite…

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Web Hosting

Where Is That Elusive Home Business

Where is that elusive home business? Does it really exist? Does anyone really make money on line? These are questions I ask myself all the time as I plough through the myriad of “opportunities” that arrive in my Inbox daily. Should I just unsubscribe to these emails? – Probably But then I might just miss out on that email that…

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Food Beverage

Beware Of Noni Fruit Scams

Multi-level marketing companies came under a lot of fire in the 1990’s and early 2000’s for allowing its distributors to claim cure-all properties for noni. Governmental organizations such as the Food and Drug Administration in the United States, the National Food Administration in Finland, and others have issued warnings to those distributors, forcing them to publish disclaimers about their products.…

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Attention Do Not Fail For Dating Scams

In our days, dating frauds are becoming more common. That’s why it is better to know from the beginning how to protect yourself from fraud when using Internet personals and dating agencies. Many people try online dating in order to find a partner, but many of them don’t know that online dating has also risks, such as dating scams. It…

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The Jury Duty Scam

Most of us take summonses for jury duty seriously, but enough people skip out on their civic duty that a new ominous scam has surfaced in the last several years. This new “jury duty” scam is the latest in a series of identity theft “phishing schemes”. Fall for it, and whammo, your identity has been stolen. The first jury duty…

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Web Hosting

How Do You Know If It Is A Scam

In todays world, especially on the internet, there are plenty of people out to scam us. How can we know if we are being scammed? I am a Christian, so I believe the best way to reveal deception is through prayer. If you are looking at a “home business” and it looks appealing to you, pray about it. Ask God…

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