
Nine Delicious Salmon Recipes

Boiled salmon. Ingredients:- 6 oz. of salt to each gallon of water, sufficient water to cover the fish. Mode:- Scale and clean the fish, and be particular that no blood is left inside; lay it in the fish-kettle with sufficient cold water to cover it, adding salt in the above proportion. Bring it quickly to a boil, take off all…

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Signs Of High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is known as a silent killer. And probably most don’t even think about their blood pressure. However, high blood pressure can be quite fatal. There are some symptoms that can indicate that you have high blood pressure, and can prevent you from having a stroke. So continue reading as it might save your life or the life…

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Preparing Your Family S Emergency Supply

With a little planning and common sense, you can be better prepared for the unexpected-including disasters. That’s why, increasingly, families are being encouraged to prepare for emergencies by assembling supplies and developing a family communications plan. See Experts say a family emergency reserve should contain one gallon of water per person per day, for drinking and sanitation, and a…

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Lavender Essential Oil Recipe Ideas For The Handmade Cosmetic Crafter

When it comes to manufacturing handmade cosmetics one ingredient no crafter should be without is lavender essential oil. Lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia) posses antibacterial proprieties, is gentle to both dry and oily skin, and has the ability to relieve such conditions as muscle pain, insomnia, headaches, burns, bug bites, eczema, psoriasis, and acne making it the most versatile of…

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