Web Hosting

Shoes On Sale

It takes quite a while to check the morning paper and see which stores are offering sales, and which have shoes that you really need for a day at the office. While checking these shoes on sale, you see the item that you want to go buy, and realize that you have wanted it for ages, but wanted to wait…

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Real Estate

Fsbo Tip Don T Do It

My Number one FSBO Tip? Don’t sell it yourself! A “FSBO,” or house “for sale by owner” can sell fast, and for as much as it would have if listed with a real estate agent. Sometimes – but not normally. Consider the following ten points. 1. Buyers work with agents. Most look at MLS listings. Sell it yourself, and they…

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Trucks Suvs

Dealing With Car Salespeople

Dealing with automotive salespeople is probably the most painful part of the car buying process for just about everyone. But, alas, it is this part of the car buying puzzle that is all but inevitable. Spending a few hours (and especially a large part of your day) conversing and dealing with a car salesperson can be a daunting task. No…

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