
Easy Rose Planting

Planting roses is fairly simple gardening stuff. The first thing is to never let the rose roots dry out. If you do, the rose will either perform poorly the first year or simply die. It does help to soak the roots in warm water for an hour before you plant if you’ve purchased the rose as a bareroot plant. Container…

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History Of Melayu

I was interested to find out more about the Malays. I pose myself this question always. “Where do I come from? or what is my calling in life”. Only when you know your past and take a closer look at the events of the past call history we may find the answers It’s intriguing after hours of reading and research…

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About The Bonzai Tree

Bonzai is a Japanese word, but its roots are Chinese and are derived from the word “punsa”. This word means “tree in a pot” The practice of growing trees in a pot was originally Chinese, but the practice of growing the Bonzai Tree was made into an art form by the Japanese when the concept was introduced to them about…

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Planting Bare Root Roses

Before planting, the plants must be prepared. The following suggestions will help insure that your roses grow into healthy bushes, trees, etc.: 1.Your new roses have probably dried out during shipping or storage, therefore before planting, either bury the roots in wet saw dust or peat moss for several days or soak them overnight in water. Keep the roots wet…

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So You Want To Make A Bonsai

Growing your own bonsai need not start by being expensive. Plants are free if grown from seed or cuttings and the rewards to be had in terms of appreciation of the final result, and the experience gained, is a joy beyond compare. Creating a bonsai is a fairly simple procedure, if you follow the necessary steps for growing and shaping…

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