Arts Entertainment

Music 101 The Key To Pronunciation And Accent Reduction

“Without music life would be a mistake” These are the words of the famous German Philosopher Frederik Nietzsche, and as a specialist in pronunciation and Accent Reduction for non-native English speakers, I can attest to this regarding the English language. English is a musical language, as is Italian, Chinese, Portuguese, and many other languages. The trick to speaking English with…

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How To Create A Good Rhythm In Your Golf Swing

Rhythm and tempo can be considered together, because in golf they mean very nearly the same thing. The rhythm in the swing of a good player is noticed because of the measured cadence in the upward and downward movement of the club. In his swing there appears to be and there is a definite relationship in time between his backswing…

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Web Hosting

Junior Wants A Drum Set

He’s a good kid, and he really doesn’t ask for much. Yet nearly every parent reacts the same way when he asks for a drum set. Typically about 80% more boys ask for a drum set than girls, although girls tend to make excellent drummers. Yet regardless of the circumstances, gender, age, or reason, most parents cringes at least slightly…

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