
Environmentally Sound Automotive Air Filters

When I explain to someone that there are several lines of vehicle air filters available that are environmentally sound I usually receive a quizzical look back from that person. For some motorists the idea of environmentally compatible automotive parts is a foreign concept to them. Yet, when you think about it many parts that come standard on just about any…

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Green Air Filters For Your Car

Alright, all you soy sipping, yogurt eating, diet doing, hybrid driving, environmentally eccentric folks from Vancouver: listen up. You may be causing more damage to the environment than you already know. How so? Your Audi’s air filter, that’s how. Yes, it is true: if you keep your car long enough you will be performing under-the-hood maintenance which will include changing…

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Types Of Air Filters For Your Vehicle

How often do you replace your car’s air filter? Every 10 thousand miles? 12K? 15K? During the life of your car – assuming you plan on keeping your vehicle for many years – you could easily go through 8, 10, even 15 or more air filters. Of course, that is if you choose to purchase disposable air filters every time…

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