Golden Retriever

Training Your Golden Retriever

Dogs aren’t like humans, so they need to learn in different ways. Dogs don’t have human responses, meaning that they don’t operate with the principle of right or wrong. Instead, they operate on a principle of response, guided by the actions you give them. If their actions lead to a bad response from you, then they not that what they…

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Golden Retriever A Loving Large Family Dog

Golden Retrievers are a medium to medium/large dog breed. They reach a height between 20″ to 24″. If a Golden Retriever could speak, they might say, “What can I do for you?” They are born people pleasers from hunting to tricks to family pet. The Golden Retriever is AKC recognized with a coat color in varying shades of golden or…

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Golden Retriever

Training For Your Golden Retriever

With the term training in mind, there are several different meanings involved. When you are looking to train your Golden Retriever, you have a few options available to you. Below, we will take a look at the many types of training for your Golden, and help you decide when type of training is best for both you and your Golden.…

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Golden Retriever

Socializing Your Golden Retriever

Socializing your Golden Retriever is very important. As you may already know, all dog breeds behave different in front of strangers, with some dogs choosing to ignore people altogether. They may choose to glance at someone, then go on to pay no attention to him. On the other hand, some dogs are the total opposite and love to meet everyone…

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Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever

In a dog’s world, Golden Retrievers are simply the fatal attraction. They are a preferred dog breed, making great pets, hunting dogs, obedience competitors, show dogs, and even a combination of all these traits. No matter what your intent may be to own a Golden Retriever, you’ll have an excellent dog that will live up to it’s potential and then…

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The Gundog A Hunter S Best Friend

When it comes to the sport of hunting – the gundog is definitely a hunter’s best friend. Gundogs have been used to assist man since the days when survival crucially depended on hunting skills, not only for food to eat, but for clothing and shelter provided by the hides of the hunted animals and to this day bird dogs still…

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Golden Retriever

Bedding For Your Golden

Bedding for your Golden Retriever is very important, as this is where he will be spending quite a bit of time – especially at night. The ideal bedding for your Golden should be a natural fiber, such as wool, as wool absorbs most moisture and will keep your companion warm. When you get your blanket, you can try thrift stores,…

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Golf Ball Retriever The Tool For Every Golfer

A golf ball retriever is a tool that every golfer should have to eliminate the need to bend and stoop to locate your ball. While a golf ball retriever is actually very simple, it is a tool that can make your golf game much more fun, much easier, cleaner, and simply more enjoyable. When those that are new to golfing…

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Golden Retriever

Keeping Your Golden Retriever Healthy

Once you have helped your Golden Retriever build up his immune system, he will be healthy and strong enough to fend off any type of illness. There are ways that you can help your Golden with his immune system, which is more or less what you feed him. If you care about your Golden Retriever and want to help him…

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