
Where To Live When You Retire

Among the many considerations you will have to take into account when pondering the question of retirement, selecting your location may be the most important. For many people, retirement will not be a static existence- the circumstances of life will probably mean that there will be several changes to your lifestyle and needs after you leave the work force. Most…

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401k Retirement Plans Explained

401k retirement plans are special types of accounts, financed through pre-tax payroll deductions. The funds in your account are invested in various ways. Your funds can be invested through any number of stocks, mutual funds, and other ways, and it is not taxed on any capital gains or interest until the money is pulled out or withdrawn. Congress approved this…

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Locating A Down Payment

Locating a Down Payment If you are a saver, and many of you are, than the need to locate a down payment will not be an issue for you. But there are also many of us out there that have not had the luxury to save as much as we would have liked for various reasons. With this challenge at…

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Boomers Need To Address Long Term Care Needs

A new study by the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI) shows that baby boomers need to pay attention to the very real possibility they may need long-term care. The reason: escalating long-term care costs. “Long-Term Care Insurance or Medicaid: Who Will Pay for Baby Boomers’ Long-Term Care?” sounds the alarm on a potential national long-term care crisis. More important,…

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Real Estate

Refinancing Real Estate Investments

Why should you consider refinancing real estate investments instead of selling them? Maybe you’ve owned a rental property for years, you’ve paid down the mortgage, the value is up, and you want to cash in on that equity. You will do better to refinance. Here’s why. There are two problems with selling. First, selling means paying a large capital gains…

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Wealth Building

A Stake In The Future For Older People

Growing older should be a time for sitting back after a lifetime of work and enjoying the fruits of your labours, without having to worry about whether those fruits will ripen to their full glory or wither and die on the branch. However, the increase in life expectancy coupled with pension and investment problems has tended to result in some…

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Wealth Building

Winning Or Losing The Financial And Retirement Race

Mr. Lamoreaux is a knowledgeable estate planner with more than 35 years of experience in the financial field. He offers his wisdom in a simple manner that lay people can easily understand. As more and more Americans begin to look toward retirement they realize they must have a plan. Mr. Lamoreaux offers his expertise in developing that plan. Facing retirement…

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