
Planning For My Retirement

I am eligible to retire from my current job on April 4, 2010. And that is the day that life without work begins. My retirement will be different than most in that my monthly take home will increase over the years. This is due to a government pension, military retirement and social security. When I hit 57 years and 4…

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Early Retirement What You Should Know

For many reasons, more and more people are opting to retire at an early age. The growing trend for the retirement is based on the fact that people are enticed to retire early than continue working and wait until they reach their retirement age of 65. In fact, most of the surveys conducted in the United States asserted that 60%…

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Personal Finance

Working In Retirement

Most experts on the subject believe that the Social Security system will be bankrupt in about 15 years. However, some new studies have offered a ray of hope. They seem to indicate that the assumption that the boomer generation will retire at 65 or 67 and sit back to collect their social security checks is incorrect. They believe a sufficient…

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Don T Retire In Thailand Unless

Don’t retire to Thailand unless you enjoy a very low cost of living. Lease a property for under $50,000 – a place that would cost you 10 times that much in your home country. Don’t retire to Thailand unless you like to eat really good food for very little money. Seafood, fruits and vegetables for mere pocket change. Don’t retire…

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Wealth Building

Do It Now Start Planning Your Retirement Strategy

Financial Planning for Retirement You’ve worked hard all your life and one day the big day will arrive – you’ll retire. For now it probably still seems a long way into the future, but the reality is that the sooner you get ready for retirement, the more you’ll benefit when that day comes. Starting in your 20s or 30s is…

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