Self Improvement

Taking Charge Of Your Life

How do you live your life? At cause or at effect? It is important to be aware of this distinction. It is the rare individual who always lives his or her life at cause; however, far too many of us live a large portion of our lives at effect – responding to the whims, desires or emotional states of others.…

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Goal Setting

Finding The Missing Link

“Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” -Benjamin Disraeli “There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.” -Johann von Goethe “Remember, people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold — but so does a hard-boiled egg.” -Anon. The missing link between inactivity and achievement…

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Time Management

Top Five Self Coaching Tips For Internet Businesses

Do new Internet businesses really need the services of a business Coach, even if they can afford it? Being that one of my roles is as an Internet business coach I am somewhat biased and would generally answer “yes” to my own question! Nonetheless, it is possible to effectively self coach regardless of whether you have a flesh and blood…

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Should I Let My Adult Child Move Back Home

Well, that’s a good question and continues to be a dilemma for most parents. As a parent you want to help your adult child, but you want your child to become independent of you in most cases! You want your adult child to spread their wings and find their own space! But, sometimes that may be more difficult in our…

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Online Games Play With Your Children To Stop Worrying

Regular news reports and some stray studies suggest that some online games are affecting children. Parents are worried and blame the gaming industry. This approach is similar to blame the alcohol industry if your child starts drinking or blame the tobacco industry if your child becomes a smoker. What about parental responsibility? If your child attends the best of schools…

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Goal Setting

A Sense Of Responsibility

“I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.” – William Henley (1849-1903) Our lives are only as good as we decide to make them. We should make short and long range plans and then follow them through, reviewing them as we go. It is our design and determination that decide our destiny, and this…

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Miracles Are Your Responsibility

Miracles are your responsibility! What does that mean? Simple…You have a responsibility to create miracles in your own life. The responsibility lies on your shoulders. You can’t blame anyone else, and you can’t look outside of yourself for someone else to create the miracles for you. In this article, I’m going to break down the word “Miracle”, because each of…

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The Ride Of Your Life Who S Driving

One of the biggest challenges that most people face in the exiting times we live in, is the feeling that their lives are just spiralling out of control. They feel like the events and circumstances of their lives have lead them along a torturous route and that they have no control over all the misfortunes and wrong doings that brought…

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Quiz Do You Deserve Promotion

So you think that you should be promoted. You are irritated also that why your promotion is getting delayed. You are working hard and doing your work satisfactorily. Why should you not get promoted? You want to ask your boss, but do not know how to ask? Can you we find out if you deserve to be promoted? If you…

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