Alternative Medicine

The Bug Stops Here

With the growing concern for West Nile Virus and Lymes disease, more people are spraying and lathering on insect repellent. Most commercial repellents contain harmful chemicals that must be used with extreme caution. Someone shared a story that occurred when she was on vacation at the beach. A parent used an insect repellent with DEET on her 2 year old…

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Home Improvement

Mosquito Magnet

There’s nothing worse than trying to get a good nights sleep and hearing the buzz of a mosquito, knowing that within minutes it will land on you, only to disappear when you turn on the lights to catch it. Maybe there is something worse. Have you ever had a barbeque and everyone is standing around slapping the bare skin on…

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Health Fitness

Web Sites Teach Public About Bugs Germs Deet

What are the 10 most dangerous pests? What are antimicrobials and how do they protect us? What do the most effective insect repellents contain? Find answers to these questions and more on the Consumer Specialty Products Association’s public information Web sites,, and The sites provide in-depth information on disinfectants, pest repellents and other everyday products that help…

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