Book Reviews

American Theocracy A Book Review

In his two most recent books, American Dynasty and Wealth and Democracy, Kevin Phillips has perhaps rightly earned the prestigious moniker of America’s premier analyst and critic. Now, in his new release, a doom and gloom tome some 480 pages long, Kevin Phillips assails three overlapping, growing, forces that threaten to rain on the parade of the American way of…

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Yoga And Christianity A Conflict

Being a practicing Christian myself, there are very few things in Yoga that conflict with Christianity. Some critics argue that Yoga and Christianity cannot co-exist, and yet we know that Yoga is not a religion. However, that depends on your opinion. Recently, I was reading about someone who claims Kundalini is “new age witchcraft.” Sorry to say, another person recently…

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Time Management

Religion Induced Anxiety

Is Religion Induced Anxiety Good For You? The fact is that no anxiety, whether religion induced or not, is good for you. Anxiety has some serious long term side effects that should be taken into consideration, and a healthy, stress free lifestyle should be priority #1. The state of the world after 9/11 has left us fearful, depressed, and stressed.…

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Pass It On Sincerity Is No Substitute For The Truth

I don’t know where this advice originated and I have heard variations of it over the last quarter century. It has a level of common sense to it that can’t be argued against very easily by anyone. It does, however, create a formidable argument against the glibly spoken and oft repeated idea that all religions point to God. In the…

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Getting Your Children Excited About Church

No matter what religion you belong to, many people in today’s modern society find that their children often don’t enjoy attending Church, and some even downright dread it. Unless your everyday life is steeped in religion, children often look at attending Church as a chore that must be done. If you are trying to raise your children to believe in…

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Christmas Season Versus Holiday Season

In the United States, the month of December is the Christmas Season, not the Holiday Season. To the best of my knowledge there is only one holiday in December recognized by our government. December 25 was made a legal holiday in order to celebrate the birth of Christ. There are no other legal holidays during the month of December. Chanukah,…

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Christian Psychotherapy For Convicts

Repeated research studies have revealed that secular efforts at rehabilitation have been unsuccessful in preventing recidivism. Not one of the various approaches to psychological counseling has been able to demonstrate success statistically in helping inmates rehabilitate. Among nearly 300,000 prisoners released in 15 states in 1994, 67.5% were re-arrested within 3-years. A study of 1983 releases estimated 62.5% (Langan and…

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Time Management

Alcoholics Anonymous 12 Steps To Help

Alcoholics Anonymous is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1935 by two recovering alcoholics, Bill W (William Griffith Wilson) and Dr. Bob (Dr. Robert Holbrook Smith). They were the first to put forward the idea that alcoholism was a treatable disease to a national audience. They also wrote the “Big Book” that is the cornerstone for Alcoholics Anonymous. The…

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Religious Tattoos Taboo Or Not Taboo

It does not take a genius for one to realize that tattoos are becoming indelible in our society today. People from all walks of life are getting themselves inked for various reasons. For some, the reasons are merely skin-deep: to increase their “level of sexiness” up a few notches, to identify themselves with a group of tattooed individuals, or to…

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