
Effective Leadership For 21st Century Organisations

Traditional leadership Traditional leadership styles from the 19th and 20th Centuries tended to involve strict hierarchies, superiority, winners and losers. To lead, people felt the need to prove they are better than everyone else. Leadership was about “power” and its abuse, loneliness and affectations. In the latter part of the 20th Century, there was a gradual decline in hierarchies which…

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Happiness In Dating

Integrating two lives in any environment is at best a challenge. Integrating two lives that are in separate turmoil, on separate paths, and with separate ideas about life does not a magically make a happy existence. Relationships are constant work. However, dating is the lightest level of being in a relationship and should be taken as such. You are not…

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Do You Want Trust Back In Your Relationship

TRUST is hard to earn, but easy to lose. And without TRUST, relationships come apart quickly. Trust is the belief that a partner has your best interest at heart. And it is impossible to have a healthy relationship without trust. Trust is a two-way street. Trust involves telling the truth AND being open to hearing what a partner has to…

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Self Improvement

Reasons To Stay Positive

You surely have heard about “positive thinking”, but why bother? Is there any reason you should make the effort to retain only positive thoughts? This article shares some ideas why you may in fact want to make this effort. Higher Productivity Maintaining a positive attitude may lead to higher productivity, whether in your career or personal life. When you are…

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Challenged By Your Relationships Good

Why are our relationships such a challenge? By their very nature, relationships always push us toward duality, toward the opposites. They take us into both the light of our souls and the darkness of our subconscious. They force us to look at the light and experience the shadows. If we deny the light of either ourselves or the other person,…

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Don T Worry Or Doubt Check It Out

“Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grows” Ben Stein Life would be difficult without the blessing of significant relationships as an integral part of our lifestyle. However although relationships can be the source of much joy and happiness, they also can frequently be a source of pain, stress, conflict…

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Am I Cheating Fidelity And Online Dating

Online dating is one of the fastest growing industries in the UK today. Every day, hundreds of thousands of us log on to one or more of the growing number of sites available; some looking for serious relationships, others for friendship and companions, and still others for casual flings and that extra ‘bit on the side’. Some sites claim to…

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Health Fitness

Status Anxiety

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