
Divorce And Hidden Assets

Not surprisingly, assets are often hidden in a divorce situation. Why – well simply greed, or the feelings of betrayal or anger at the need to divide assets in the divorce, or the fear of not having enough after the divorce all motivate the behavior of hiding assets. In divorce, the parties assets are divided. Under the divorce laws of…

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Wealth Building

Stopping Credit Card Identity Theft

Credit card identity theft is on the rise, and if you are not careful you could become a victim and lose hundreds or even thousands of pounds. Your identity is your most precious thing, and if someone gets hold of it they can make it look like you have spent vast sums and got yourself into debt. By the time…

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Family Road Trip Advice

There are many reasons to take a Road Trip. You might have specific destination in mind where it is more cost efficient to take a Road Trip than to fly or use other means of travel. Another reason to go on a trip is to inspect other parts of the country if you are going to move from your current…

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Business Banking Professional Advice

At the beginning, you will be offered plenty of advice and support to set up your business – enterprise schemes often run seminars and give out free software to help you manage your accounting, for example. Local mentoring schemes can provide a useful way to make contacts with other people who have set up in business and excellent chances to…

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Home Family

Your Medical Records Are They Really Private

The question in the title seems to beg a yes answer. However, truth is, there are two answers with the real one a shocker. At least it was to me. The “begged” answer is of course yes. It would be yes if you never let anyone have information about your health and medical condition(s). But, in the real world, this…

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Credit Card Savings

Having a credit card is very convenient since carrying a lot of cash becomes unneccesary and you might even have a hard time leaving your credit card at home. But with its advantages comes also its disadvantages. Since you can always buy things without carrying cash around, you are always tempted to buy something that you come across. If you…

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How To Trace Your Ancestors With The 1790 1810 Us Census

Most genealogists working in the US have learned what a valuable tool the US Census is. But the ins and outs of each census record are intricate. It seems like each decade something changed about the information included or the way it was recorded. This perception is quite often the case. The history of the US Census Records is important…

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The National Marriage Records Database

The Internet offers lots of opportunities to find out new things about basically any subject you can think of; there are no exceptions regarding marriage/wedding information. There are some websites on the Internet where you can find complete information about a certain wedding that took place in the past so if you are curious about when a friend of yours…

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Criminal Records For Residents Of Michigan

The State of Michigan keeps several different archives of information on criminal records. However, a minor problem is that majority of these sources of Michigan criminal records deal mostly with convictions. Criminal records for Michigan State do not necessarily warrant convictions. In fact, not all criminal records for Michigan result in convictions. And for this reason, databases maintained by the…

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Critical Business Procedure Keep All Email Communications

Businesses routinely maintain copies of correspondence and memos. Far to often, however, they do not extend this practice to email correspondence. Email correspondence is no different then your normal paperwork. You must keep copies of all of it to protect your business in any litigation. Currently, only banks and broker-dealers are obliged to retain e-mail and instant messaging documents for…

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