
Hoodia Gordonii One Reason To Take It

When Hoodia was discovered the very first animal trials to test it was with Rats. The rats that were fed with Hoodia stopped eating completely. Rats are well know as animals that will eat anything and everything. Can you believe that an animal who loves to eat anything simply switched off its desire to eat, even when foods that rats…

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Product Creation Big And Plenty

If you are involved in product creation you could take a lesson from rabbits and rats. I know, I can just imagine you scratching your head as you wonder what furry creatures have to do with product creation. Both of these animals were designed to be productive when it comes to the number of offspring they can have. For instance…

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The Top Three Pet Rat Training Mistakes

It can be very rewarding to train your pet rats to do tricks and learn obstacle courses. Since they tend to be highly intelligent creatures, rats can actually learn a lot (and get bored if they have nothing to do). Furthermore, because they’re people-pleasers, rats enjoy the challenge of striving for your reward and praise. However, before you begin training,…

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