
All Coin Dealers Are Not Created Equal

How to Select a Coin Dealer for Your Coin Collection Why do I Need a Coin Dealer? It is very difficult to build a collection of rare coins without a connection to a good coin dealer. If you are an investor hoping to make a profit with your collection of rare coins, building relationships with good coin dealers is vital…

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Rare Coins May Be Hiding In Your Pocket

When talking about coin collecting, rare coins are some of the first things to spring to mind. After all, coin collecting is often considered to be an investment and rare coins are the most valuable coins out there. They are highly sought after and coveted and, because they are in so much demand, they tend to be worth a great…

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Health Fitness

What You Need To Know About Mumps

Mumps is a fairly contagious viral disease (although not as contagious as chickenpox) and is caused by the myxo virus; it is something that has plagued the human race for centuries. Generally speaking, most cases of mumps are in children aged from 5 to 14 years, although cases in young adults are on the increase. Mumps is rare to be…

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Rare Coins The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Who would have thought that the gift of a coin would end up being the best gift I’ve ever received? I have many fond memories of my grandmother, but one such memory will stay with me for the rest of my life. When I was 10 years old, my grandmother gave me a silver dollar for Christmas. To this day,…

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