Computers Technology

Computers How They Have Advanced

Even over the last decade, the advances in computer technology have been immense. Computers can do more today than ever before, faster and at a better value price. Unfortunately, this also means that shopping for a computer can be confusing, as it is hard to know what you actually need and what is just an extra that’s nice to have.…

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Reverse Annuity Mortgage Tapping Into Your Equity

Reverse annuity mortgages (RAM) were created to allow older Americans to tap into the equity of their paid for or nearly paid for home. Homeowners receive a tax-free payment each month, and the mortgage is paid when the home is sold. Before you choose a RAM, make sure you have evaluated the risks since this option can limit future housing…

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Computers Technology

All Computer Brands

There are many choices of all-computer-brands that are widely available. Dell, Toshiba, and Sony are amongs the many, but which one do I choose from? Which is the one for me? All-computer-brands come in many ranges from types and models to prices and sizes and can be a daunting task in picking and choosing them, especially if your a first…

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Computers Technology

Accessory Computer

A home away from home is a great thing, so why not have an office away from the office too?The spare room or a quiet corner can be a perfect place for productivity. To outfit your workspace, you might need to invest in some new hardware like a second computer, a bigger monitor or a high-quality printer. Once you’ve got…

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Computers Technology

What Is Ram

RAM is a moniker for Random Access Memory. It acts as a short-term memory much like the human brain to store a wealth of information. The RAM is accessible through the computer’s brain called the CPU which stands for Central Processing Unit. RAM has the capability of being retrieved only while a computer is on. When the computer is turned…

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