
Career Planning In Today S Turbulent Times

What you were taught in school no longer applies to the job searching skills needed in today’s market. The rules have changed…from the resume through the interview. Don’t be caught with an “objective statement” on your resume, or asking the interviewer questions you should have researched on the web on your own. Here are some hot tips for being a…

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Web Hosting

Questions To Ask Before Hiring An Seo Company Part I

It is important that you choose your SEO company very well before hiring one. This will save you from losing some of your precious time and money. If you choose the wrong one and get poor service, imagine how potentially wasteful it would have to be to do everything all over again. Everyday, there are thousands of online entrepreneurs who…

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Self Improvement

How To Have An Above Average Iq Score

What is the average IQ score? In theory the tests are designed so that half the population will score below 100 and half above, and are scored according to age of the test taker. Here is a breakdown of IQ scores in the typical population: 130 or higher: 2.2% of the population. 120-129: 6.7% of the population. 110-119: 16.1% of…

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Time Management

Questioning Skills And Nlp Training

Have you ever noticed that I begin a lot of my articles with questions? Asking the right questions can make a huge difference to your quality of life, ask the wrong ones and they could be disastrous. Questions also draw people in and if used in the right away leave people hanging desperate to know more (an old but effective…

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Current Events

Katrina Questions Anyone Got Answers

I wrote a very positive article about the responses to Katrina for Entitled “New Orleans My Home – Katrina My Nightmare” and another article “Katrina What It Is Like To Be An Evacuee” In both articles I endeavored to stay on the upside and we aren’t complaining to anyone but today was the straw that broke…etc Everyone it seems,…

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Finding A Dog Breeder

If you’re in the market for a purebred dog, you’ll need to find a breeder from which to purchase the animal. This can often be as easy as opening the classified advertising section of your local newspaper, but you’ll want to be sure that the breeder you’ve chosen is reputable. There are several ways to help ensure that the breeder…

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Affiliate Marketing

Affiliates Should Read About His Products

At the moment an entrepreneur decides to join the affiliate marketing business, he searches in an affiliate marketing directory and he is immediately presented with a very wide range of products and services, and with various affiliate programs. The affiliate marketing business is indeed a flourishing business as indicated by the numerous online merchants who are offering affiliate programs. With…

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Time Management

Stuck In Life Stop Asking This Question

“Why?” seems like a good question, doesn’t it? I certainly used to think so. I’ve asked “Why?” often in my life so I must have thought it was a good question. Or maybe I never had thought about it or noticed what happened when I asked that particular question. Over time, I’ve gone from the questions of a toddler (Why…

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