
How To Start Training Puppies

Training puppies too early can be difficult. But, if you do not train him early, he will very quickly have the run of the house. Training puppies is necessary because it saves you trouble later. Most dog owners skip this because we all know that dog training takes some effort. If you could teach a puppy in a month, you…

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Caring For Your Pets

It is very easy to get attached to pets, so make sure you can care for the pet before getting one. It would be hard to get attached to a pet and then have to give it up because of an unexpected move. or so rule that you were not aware of. Its also important to choose the right pet…

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When Did Dogs Become A Fashion Statements

It’s become standard for anyone wanting a glamorous aura to pick out their dogs like they pick out their shoes. “Ooh – I’ll have that darling one in the corner, great color – matches my handbag too!” And they’re easy to find – anyone with enough money can pick out the doglet of their dreams. Perhaps even scarier than the…

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Choosing A Responsible Breeder

It is an exciting time when you get to bring home a new puppy. He quickly becomes part of your family and you create a bond with lots of cuddling, trips outside and walks in the park. If buying from a breeder, you will want to be sure you choose a responsible breeder versus a backyard breeder (those who are…

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Pit Bull Terrier Puppy Training Potty Train Your Dog

Potty training your new American Pit Bull Terrier puppy is a necessary evil. Your dog needs to learn at an early age where to properly relieve himself. You can begin working with your pup at 8 weeks of age. Puppy potty training can sometimes prove to be a frustrating task. You must do the same routine every single day and…

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Tips For Smarter More Trainable Puppies

Everyone knows pets make great companions, but training our four-legged friends can sometimes be a daunting task. Research shows, however, that the type of food puppies are fed could make a difference. In a study conducted by The Iams Co., puppies nourished with enhanced levels of docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, responded better to training. DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid…

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Pit Bull Puppy Potty Training 7 Important Things To Watch

Potty training your Pit Bull puppy the right way takes time and a lot of patience. Many different things come in to play as you are going through the housebreaking process. If you’ve been trying to housebreak your new Pit Bull terrier pup but have been having major problems, then this article is for you. It is very possible that…

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Choosing Your New Puppy

When expecting a new puppy addition to the family you want nothing but the best. You check out the best day-care facilities, kindergarten and schooling. So, why should it be any different when the new addition is a puppy? Hey, if it’s good enough for stars like Brittany and Paris, who are we to question this new trend in spoiling…

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Dealing With Problem Puppy Behaviors

Everyone who owns a puppy or dog will eventually have to deal with and correct less than desirable behaviors on the part of their companion animal. There are a number of behaviors that should be nipped in the bud, including: Jumping up on people: This is one of those behaviors that many owners inadvertently encourage in their animals, since jumping…

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