
Giving A Cheesecake As A Gift Your Buying Options

Each year, millions of Americans must buy gifts for specials occasions, which may include birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, and popular holidays. In fact, a number of Americans also give gifts to those that they love just because. If you are in the market for a gift for a special occasion or even for no reason at all, you are urged to…

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Halloween Crafts

The only bad Halloween craft project is the Halloween craft project that takes too long. You know the ones. The craft projects that have so many steps that you’ve lost the attention of your kids before step 2. Give these easy Halloween craft ideas a try. They’re short; they’re sweet; they’re fun and the end results are spooktacular. Antenna Characters…

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Pumpkin A Super Food

Think of the word pumpkin and images of jack-o-lanterns and whipped cream covered Thanksgiving pies will probably pop into your mind. Pumpkin is traditionally considered a holiday food and is a staple in our kitchen pantries and freezers during that festive time of the year. However, did you know that pumpkin now heralded as one of the ‘Super Foods?’ According…

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Recreation Sports

Enjoy Carving A Pumpkin

I am surprised how many people I talk to that have missed out on some of the most foundational experiences of childhood. I love counseling couples and families and helping them find creative ways to spend family time together and to enjoy the smallest things in life together. So as I worked with a family last fall, I suggested that…

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Food Beverage

A Colorful Plate Year Round

Our family is in the habit of going to a local farmers’ market during the summer and fall to get farm-fresh fruits and vegetables. I admit that I have to work a bit harder during the off- season, when seasonal produce is less plentiful, to make sure that my plate is just as colorful. For overall health, eating a variety…

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