
As Google Gets Fatter There Is More To Love I Do

What Google did for Christmas? In short: Twain news on the same day simply melting the ice. Vacuum discovered. Their new services spur others in turn, their sympathies can affect some huge increase. Finally, wealth is spreading, from young billionaires to you and to a baby boomer like me. A few days ago, I ran into an article about them…

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Arts Entertainment

Collecting Art Do You Have The Bottle

The headline reads “Undiscovered master piece sells for millions at Auction”. The family was overjoyed to discover that a picture that had hung on their grandfather’s wall for years attracted a six figure price at auction. Grandson and heir said “The whole family knew he collected odds and ends but we never envisaged it would amount to anything.” Ok the…

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Web Hosting

Internet Coupons

Coupon is a voucher or a slip enabling the customer to avail a discount while purchasing a particular product. Traditionally businesses used to print and distribute coupons in volumes through newspapers and magazines. Proliferation of internet has changed all this. Now one can locate and print the desired internet coupon over the internet by visiting websites and avail the discount…

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Personal Finance

5 Tips To Save Money And The Earth

You just can’t get that memo right, can you? You print out the first draft and find a misspelling. You print out the second draft and discover you missed some commas. You print out the third draft and later decide on a new title. Now the final draft is ready for printing. Before you throw away those wasted sheets of…

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Ink And Its Printing Quality

When you write, you need a pen. When you read magazines, books and newspapers, ink is necessary to print them. When you want to print something from your computer, ink is indispensable. You use money printed with ink. Almost in every thing you do way, ink is attendant. What is ink? It is a dense liquid composed of dye or…

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Arts Entertainment

Art Myths Debunked

Assumption: Art becomes more valuable once an artist dies. Actuality: Prices escalate only when demand is greater than supply. Prices can increase if there was a shortage of the artist’s work prior to his or her death and if the demand continues to be significantly greater than supply. Art News (November 2003) presented an article on the ten most wanted…

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Home Family

Birthday Gift Baskets For Under 35

Are you looking for an inexpensive gift, yet one that has a personal touch and shows the recipient how much you really care? Did you know that you could make a birthday gift basket cheaper than you can buy many presents? In addition, the gift basket will have a personal touch that is sure to be appreciated. The first thing…

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How Do I Choose The Mega Pixels I Need

One of the confusing things in choosing a digital camera is deciding how many mega-pixels you should look for. The answer depends on what you plan on doing with the finished pictures. First, you need to understand what a pixel is. In terms of digital prints, a pixel simply means a dot of color that makes up the image. A…

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