
President Searching With A Fine Tooth Comb

With the race for the President’s post heating up, the question on everybody’s mind is “Who will be the next President of the United States?” And this is not merely a question that remains limited to the minds of its citizens. The size of the United States of America, in terms of both geography and economy, as well as the…

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Reference Education

George Washington The Best President

George Washington was the first president of the United States and considered one of the best. George Washington is a much-admired person in many respects. As the first president of the United States, he set the course upon which the current three-branch system of federal government is based. George Washington is perhaps the one person who can most claim the…

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Obama Is Coming Clear The Way

“Obama biro, yawne yo!” (Obama is coming, clear the way) — Tens of thousands of cheering Luo “Tribesmen” and ululating women screamed as they welcomed Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) back to his father’s ancestral land — Nyangoma Kogelo village in Luo Land, Western Kenya, several weeks ago. In a matter of hours Obama had soared to unprecedented political prominence in…

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Tax Reform Limit Of Mortgage Tax Deduction

A committee appointed by President Bush has come up with an alarming recommendation. They want to limit the tax deduction for mortgage interest! Reform Following his re-election, President Bush set up an aggressive agenda in which he hoped to reform social security and the tax code amongst other things. As with many things in the political world, this sounded easier…

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Bush Campaign Stays In Touch While On The Move

When President George W. Bush’s re-election campaign hits the road for a bus tour of the American heartland, neither the president, the members of the campaign nor the news media traveling along can afford to be out of touch with breaking news, world events or the activities of the competition. So, their custom motor coaches are equipped with TracVision L3…

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Web Hosting

Ecommerce Entrepreneurial Perseverance

“It is time for us to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever, the one who recognizes the challenge and does something about it.” – Vince Lombardi How does ecommerce differ from entrepreneurialism? Well, the former is dependent on the latter. What this means is that for every ecommerce business there is an entrepreneur that had to balance risk…

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Arts Entertainment

Passover Laugh While Cleaning

Passover, or Pesach as it is called in Hebrew, is the 8 day festival where the Jews celebrate their liberation from Egypt more than a thousand years ago. One of the most important features of this freedom festival is that the Jews cannot eat anything that is leavened. They eat unleavened bread. They must also make sure that no bread…

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Facts And Figures About The Presidents Of The Usa

The first president of the united States was not George Washington. Washington was the first president under the Constitution of June 21, 1788, ratified by 1790. The first constitution of the USA was titled “Articles of Confederation” and was in force between 1781 and 1788. It created a single house of Congress and no executive – but for one year…

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Home Family

Why Did We Start To Celebrate Father S Day

Not many countries of the world celebrate fathers with their own official day. However, that is what is done in the United States every third Sunday in June. Father’s Day is a special day for dads when they are pampered by their children, given gifts, and even surprised with breakfast in bed! There are many different stories as to the…

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