Web Hosting

Think Twice

In everything, there are always advantages and disadvantages. Before you buy, think of the pros and cons first. 1. Dependence Cell phones, as we know, are packed with many features. It is like everything in one. Because of this, we tend to be attached and dependent on it. Like, instead of going to class, you just let your classmate text…

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How To Master Your Material For An Oral Presentation

One of the techniques that great public speakers have is knowing their material. You cannot be a master mechanic and give a speech on “How to Grill the Perfect Steak”. It is very important for a speaker to have a mastery of the topic that he will present so that his audience will be properly informed. After all, you want…

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Time Management

Set The Frame To Win The Game

A “frame” is simply a way of viewing an interaction. Every communication is done within some frame or a way of looking at the communication. How you set that frame is of vital importance. If you let the other person set the frame you will be playing their game by their rules, yet it is something we allow people to…

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Web Hosting

Making Presentations People Want To See

Standards have risen sharply in recent years when it comes to making intriguing presentations. The days of boring slides and droning speakers are over. With the widespread use of PowerPoint and the ease of making colorful, interesting slides with movement and sound effects, it is expected that you will make a fabulously engaging presentation whether it’s in a classroom, a…

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Using Powerpoint Presentations In A Language Classroom

Using PowerPoint Presentations in a Language Classroom If you teach in a language classroom (ESL or any other language really), eventually you will ask your students to do an in-class presentation. Presentations are a great way for students to showcase their abilities and gain confidence using their new language in a stressful yet safe environment. In most situations, the purpose…

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Public Speaking

A World Of Presentations Without Powerpoint

Most of the presentations made nowadays are made with the help of PowerPoint. There are also class teachers and lecturers who use PowerPoint to make the teaching and learning process more interesting. However, it is the professional who makes presentations without the use of PowerPoint, while following some of their age-old beliefs for presentations. Presentations without PowerPoint prove to be…

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The Power Of Storytelling

Each and every day as we are building our businesses, we all know the key to a successful presentation is a product being sold to the end-line consumer and/or sponsoring a new person. In an upcoming issue, I am going to write about the difference between making a sale and having customer loyalty in the sales process. In the sales…

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Public Speaking

9 Tips For Handling Public Speaking Questions

How you handle questions from an audience can often be the deciding factor as to how your presentation is received. If you’re pitching for business, then it’s absolutely vital to handle questions well. 1. Be prepared for questions – When you write your presentation, think about what you’re likely to be asked and what your answer is going to be.…

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