
5 Ways You Can be Prepared When Facing a Job Loss

Are rumors circulating throughout your workplace that there may be downsizing, a lay-off or merger? Are you scared and don’t know what to do? These 5 tips can help you feel more in control of your financial situation: 1. Take a long, hard look at your monthly bills. Are in up to your neck in debt? Now is the time…

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Once A Month Cooking

If you are like most moms around the world, there never seems to be enough time or energy at the end of most days to prepare the nice home cooked meal you would love to have ready made for your family. Unfortunately, cooking a good family meal requires both time and energy. A few wise moms have discovered a concept…

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Toughest Interview Questions

Today’s interview questions are becoming increasingly more difficult. I have compiled a list of questions that interviwers regard as the toughest to answer. There are no right or wrong answers to the questions, but be prepared to for them to be asked. 1. Talk about yourself? (Prepare for 2 minutes) 2. If you were a Leader of a country, which…

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Getting A Dog

Dogs are arguably one of the best companions that a human can find, so it goes without saying that getting one has probably crossed your mind at least once before. If you have gone beyond just thinking about it and have begun to seriously consider the option of getting a dog, then it is important to know what you will…

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Planning To Buy Your Dream

Lots of people are dreaming about that little cottage with the white picket fence or that modern apartment with a killer view or that fixer-upper in the country or… The dreams are endless, but the idea is all the same – owning your own home is a major milestone in life. Many people fell like they can’t ever reach the…

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The Different Cons Of Homeschooling

Despite being a viable alternative to traditional classroom setting, there are still some people who feel that Homeschooling is not for everyone. Like many things, this new system of education has its disadvantages. Here are some of them. 1. When you decide to put your kids to homeschooling, you have to be prepared to spend all day with your children…

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Food Allergies And Fatalities

Every year, millions of people worldwide are affected by allergies to particular foods. It is estimated that in America alone, over 11 million people suffer from potentially life threatening food allergies. It is estimated that over 200 people die each year from allergic reactions to food in the United States. Furthermore, there are approximately 30,000 emergency room visits each year…

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