Weight Loss

How Can You Lose Weight After Pregnancy

On average, a woman gains between 25 and 35 pounds during her pregnancy. During and labor and immediately after delivery a new mother might shed 10 to 15 pounds of that. This leaves from 10 to 25 additional pounds of weight left on the new mom’s “new” body. It can be a source of great shock, disappointment, frustration, and despair…

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Health Fitness

Couples Rejoice Because Of Ivf

In a recently held beauty pageant, once contestant was asked this question: “What is the essence of being a woman?” Confidently, the attractive young lady replied, “The very essence of a woman is to bear a child.” At first, one would think that there is merit to this short but sure answer. However, one should still ask: What if a…

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Travel Tips

Tips For Comfortable Traveling During Pregnancy

Women today take pregnancy in their stride and continue to work and enjoy everyday activities. Pregnancy does not mean termination of all work and play. If you plan carefully you can enjoy all activities throughout the pregnancy and travel for work and pleasure without experiencing any difficulties. Here are a few tips: What’s your Reaction? Love Love 0 Smile Smile…

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Accutane Helps Your Skin Renew Itself More Quickly

What is Accutane? Accutane is a form of vitamin A. It reduces the amount of oil released by oil glands in your skin, and helps your skin renew itself more quickly. Accutane is used to treat severe nodular acne. It is usually given after other acne medicines or antibiotics have been tried without successful treatment of symptoms. Accutane may also…

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Health Fitness

When Parenthood Remains Elusive

Newlyweds who dream of having their own family may find it frustrating that after more than a year of unprotected lovemaking, the dream remains far from becoming a reality. Infertility has blocked the path to a fulfilling family life, of motherhood or fatherhood. And the question of about when the baby will come becomes a stressful thing to deal with…

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Do I Need To Stop My Acne Skin Care Regimen During Pregnancy

Pregnancy usually brings along with it a host of medical concerns which prompt behavioral and lifestyle changes. It is common knowledge that pregnant women should avoid smoking and drinking, not to mention some excessively physical activities. But there are also a host of other medicines and procedures which should be avoided during pregnancy. So, the question is, how does pregnancy…

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How To Control And Treat Acne During Pregnancy

The period during pregnancy is considered to be the most pleasant moment in any woman’s life, as it brings a new life into this world. It can be different for different women. Some may face a lot of side effects during pregnancy, while others do not face any. A major problem faced by women during pregnancy is acne. It is…

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Enjoy Your 2nd Trimester

Congratulations! Your pregnancy now comes to the second trimester, which is within weeks 13 through 27. Your morning sickness has faded away gradually by now. This means, you should be feeling better than before. It’s actually the stage when you experience the most enjoying moment with your pregnancy. You’ll feel energetic and full of vitality. You can do a lot…

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Time Management

Oily Skin How You Get It

Oily skin is a phenomenon that tens of thousands of different people living in the world are familiar with and probably hundreds of thousands more might not even realize they have. If you have oily skin, then there are a number of ways that it can be treated but before you treat it, figuring out the cause of the symptom…

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Pregnancy During Menopause Is It Possible

It seems unlikely that when you are entering the menopause stage in your life that you can become pregnant. Although the chances that you could become pregnant are lowered because of the irregularity of ovulation, it is true that you could become pregnant. Because you are still having your period, although irregularly, you are still ovulating, and therefore can still…

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