
Poker Betting Methods

You must have developed a great betting strategy playing the regular limit, no-limit and pot-limit games. Now let’s see some other methods of betting involved mainly in private games. I will just cover a few for example Set limit, Straddle method, Freeze out and Running out of money. So let’s discuss each of them. These methods bring in a lot…

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Adapting Your Recipes For The Slow Cooker

Now that you’ve started using your crock pot slow cooker regularly, you’re probably wondering how you can adapt your traditional recipes to use in a crock pot. The ease of preparing a meal with a slow cooker has literally changed the lives of busy families. With the help of their slow cookers, families are eating healthier and consuming less greasy…

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The Coffee Pot And Its Variety Of Shapes And Styles

The shape and size of a coffee pot will vary. When coffee makers were introduced in the late 1950s, the look of the coffee pot changed. Before that time, the family coffee pot was often a percolator, which was made of metal. The percolator was patented in 1865 by James Nason. Gravity funnels boiled water through the coffee pot until…

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Understanding The Card Game Of Poker

Poker is a card game with many variations that features hidden hands and betting on who has the best, or highest, hand in a shared ranking system with a Royal Flush at the top and a pair at the bottom. This game is played through a series of hands, in each of which has a different dealer and a winner…

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Multi Table Poker Tournament Tips

You want to enter a limit tournament so you have to have in mind the gap concept. This is the most obvious change you will have o consider when revising your strategy for a tournament like this. You will pay mare attentions to actually winning every pot you get into and the pot odds will be somewhat disregarded here. This…

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Poker Mistakes To Avoid

Poker Mistakes to Avoid Making a mistake when playing poker is not the end of the world and is inevitable. But like all mistakes, you should be able to recognize and learn from them. Just remember that every person plays and learns differently, and all you can do is your best to try and keep your mistakes small and hidden…

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Container Gardening Tips For Newbies

Accentuate the welcoming look of a deck or your patio with jovial and colorful pots of annuals. Fill your window boxes with climbing bloomers or with fragrant roses of various colors. Container gardens produce a natural sanctuary in city’s street sides, along rooftops or verandas. Pots may be arranged near each other than place plants in some kind of a…

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Horse Racing Gambling Systems That Work

Most gambling systems fail to produce positive returns on investment in the long term, this is mainly down to human psychology and no real strategy. In this article I will discuss position sizing and anti-martingale strategies that will assist and help you make a long term profit. It doesn’t matter if you are gambling in horse racing, investing in stocks…

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Playing Texas Hold Em Poker Playing The Flop And Overcards

When playing limit Texas hold’em you can find yourself into some situations when on the flop you have nothing more but two over-cards. This happens because Texas hold’em limit is mostly a game of big cards. It is a common mistake when three players draw for an over-card and the draw is incorrect, and if this happens to you, then…

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