
Cleaning Up For Hay Fever Allergies

Spring is coming and with it the pollen that is the primary cause of Hay Fever. Start getting ready today and you can reduce the watery eyes, runny nose, and low energy associated with Hay Fever allergies. How do we reduce the symptoms of Hay Fever? Simply put, we reduce exposure to pollen. Let’s look at a typical American home…

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Web Hosting

Some Important Guidelines When Gardening

You may be interested in beautifying your existing garden or starting one. Whether it will be just for a small project of planting vegetables, planting gorgeous flowers and luxuriant plants or creating a sophisticated landscaped garden, you need to consider the following tips to avoid problems that may occur in the future. It is important that you arm yourself and…

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Health Fitness

The Rise Of Allergies And Asthma

It is estimated that over half of Americans between the ages of 6 and 59 would test positive to one or more allergens. About one quarter of these people would be allergic to dust mites, ragweed or cockroaches. Surveys suggest that about ten million Americans are allergic to cats. Two million are allergic to insect stings. The American Academy of…

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Alternative Medicine

How To Prevent Your Nasal Allergy

Do you know why and how your nose could feel itching and sensitive? The substance that causes itching and sensitive of your nose is called allergen. These include pollen, mold, dust mites, certain foods, latex, animal dander, and others. These allergens sensitize the nasal mucosal membrane through a sensitization process, which typically involves a few types of cell in our…

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Disease Illness

New Laws Make Finding Allergy Treatments More Difficult

Pollen is in the air and a fierce allergy season is underway, affecting an estimated 36 million Americans with seasonal allergies. Many sufferers with stuffy noses or watery eyes will visit their pharmacies for relief, but this year they may not find their familiar medications on store shelves. Many states have restricted access to some popular over-the-counter treatments for nasal…

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Bee Pollen A Medical Miracle

Bee pollen has all the essential components of life. It is considered by many to be nature’s most perfect complete food. It is extremely loaded with vitamins and contains nearly all known minerals, trace elements, enzymes and amino acids. Bee pollen is also considered to be a first-rate source of anti-oxidants. Bee pollen is a complete food, and taking it…

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Health Fitness

Don T Let The Weather Take Your Breath Away

There are several weather related conditions that increase the risk of asthma attacks. Hospital admissions for breathing problems often increase as pollen counts rise and there have been many well-documented asthma epidemics following thunderstorms. In these cases many of those admitted were hay fever sufferers with no previous history of breathing difficulties. A combination of thunderstorms and high pollen counts…

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Home Improvement

Selecting Right Types Of Air Purifiers

For sufferers of asthma, allergies and other respiratory diseases, indoor air pollution in the form of dander, dust and pollen particles can be a real irritant. Purifying the house along with proper indoor ventilation and filtration system is essential for a healthy home atmosphere. Keeping your house clean of dust, dander, smoke, pollen, and other airborne particulate matters will help…

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