
Podcast Learning

Imagine a mobile classroom that’s accessible to the student wherever he or she may be, and that holds lectures whenever he or she is in the mood for it. This is the kind of learning scenario that those with the knowledge to share are able to provide through Podcasts. With these downloadable files from different learning sources, portable digital audio…

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Web Hosting

Reality Podcasting

The development of a podcast is a very personal journey. Within the confines of a podcast you can express yourself through music, storytelling or by sharing information or drama. More and more hobbyists are exploring the world of podcasting and developing mp3 downloads for others to enjoy. Software to develop an mp3 podcast is available in a variety of cost…

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Web Hosting

How Does It Podcasting Work

The method of podcasting is actually very simple. First, a podcaster (i.e. a podcast publisher) would create an audio content, usually in mp3 or mp4 format, and then have it uploaded to a server. The podcast is then published as a news feed in either RSS, XML or Atom format. The audience may then subscribe to a particular podcast they…

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