
Is Psychology A Science

All theories – scientific or not – start with a problem. They aim to solve it by proving that what appears to be “problematic” is not. They re-state the conundrum, or introduce new data, new variables, a new classification, or new organizing principles. They incorporate the problem in a larger body of knowledge, or in a conjecture (“solution”). They explain…

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How To Write A Novel The Easy Way

How to write a novel the easy way? Can it be done? Absolutely. Learning how to write a novel doesn’t have to be complicated. When you follow a step by step process, you can take the complexity of how to write a novel and “dumb it down” to such a simple system that it becomes almost like paint by numbers.…

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Arts Entertainment

On The Road To Hollywood

Many adolescents would like to become scriptwriters or film directors and in pursuing this goal they experiment making their own movies, which is the first footstep on the road to Hollywood. Homemade movies will provide the knowledge of the basic abilities that are needed in the film industry. Home-produced films cannot be compared to Hollywood’s big productions but you will…

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Book Reviews

Looking Glass By James R Strickland A Book Review

Synopsis Looking Glass is set in the not too distant future, in a gritty, unrefined, shattered North America. Hackers and IT security technicians fight a different kind of war in cyberspace. A serial killer has found a way to use the network to reach inside his victims brains, and use these brains as his weapon. Shroud is a security network…

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What A New Writer Has To Know About Creating A Character

What is the soul of a story? Some people say the plot, some others say the characters. I say, it’s both. But now, I’d like to talk about characters. How do you create a character? Here are some ways used by writers out there in creating the characters in their story: What’s your Reaction? Love Love 0 Smile Smile 0…

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Plotting Secondary Versus Sub Plots In Your Next Book

Here’s the question – is it better to have a secondary plot or sub-plots? Here’s another question, which as a reader, and then as a writer do you prefer? I think you have to have both. Subplot = A subordinate plot in fiction or drama. In our terms (A relating plot) Basically a hidden plot that some readers miss and…

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Web Hosting

Inner City Gardens

Inner city gardens can do great things for community pride and spirit, and fortunately can be set up for little or no cost to the community. Inner city garden take away from unused plots and decrepit landscapes that are visually depressing and dangerously collecting trash, including needles. If you know of a plot that could be transformed into an inner…

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