
Poker Betting

Betting is really what poker is all about. There wouldn’t be much excitement in the game if your only motivation to play is to have a better hand then the next guy. Betting means you are chancing the loss of something of value in order to gain something of value. How wisely you bet is just as important in winning…

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3 Tips For The Beginner Poker Player

So you want to be a poker player? Poker is a very challenging game although gameplay is relatively simple. Before you start throwing money around familiarize yourself with the rules of betting, calling, raising, and folding. Also, it is important to know the rank of each hand, because you do not want to bet on a hand that YOU think…

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Recreation Sports

Offensive Basketball How Each Player Plays

Basketball is a rough sport but people who regularly play the sport make it really fun to watch, not to mention very easy. If one looks a little bit closer, it has also technicalities and techniques. The object the game is to keep the ball in possession and score at the team’s basket. If the team has the basketball they…

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Baccarat Betting Strategies

In previous posts and articles, I explained in detail how the game of Baccarat is played. If you want to get the basics, read my article: “Baccarat Made Easy” If you want to get the details beyond that, read my article: “Baccarat – Basics and Beyond” If you have the knowledge already, then read on… What’s your Reaction? Love Love…

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How To Make Millions Playing Video Poker

Most people will tell you that the only way to walk out of a casino a Millionaire is to walk in a Billionaire, but the fact is this is not the truth. It is only the easiest way to do it. If you are the type of person who is not afraid to risk it all for the big payoff…

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Recreation Sports

Dribbling Your Way Out Of Trouble

Learning to play basketball is a lot of hard work. One of the most basic things a player has to learn is dribbling. Dribbling is the act of bouncing the ball continuously with one hand in a repetitive motion which ends when the continuity is disturbed or when the player touches the ball with both hands simultaneously. The ball must…

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Recreation Sports

The Ultimate Bowling Guide Book

As a spectator with an untrained eye, bowling is simply getting the ball in one hand, walking a few steps then releasing it to hit the pins a few yards away. Standing in the lane, it’s truly a different story since it takes proper hand and eye coordination to accomplish that strike. There are many ways of learning how to…

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The World Of Online Bingo

The world of online bingo is growing in many countries of the world. It is a hot growth market in the United Kingdom for the past year and a half and is growing in the rest of Europe. Online bingo is the most popular game on the internet. Many people who can’t attend a brick and mortar bingo game will…

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