Health Fitness

Getting Around The Weight Loss Plateau

The typical human form is capable of achieving a number of incredible feats that seem to suspend or defy the way science tells us things work. Athletes, through sheer willpower, can end up lifting something that their bodies should not be able to without suffering anything worse than muscle spasms. People can adapt to extreme physical trauma caused by a…

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Health Fitness

Getting Around The Weight Loss Plateau

The typical human form is capable of achieving a number of incredible feats that seem to suspend or defy the way science tells us things work. Athletes, through sheer willpower, can end up lifting something that their bodies should not be able to without suffering anything worse than muscle spasms. People can adapt to extreme physical trauma caused by a…

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Laikipia Plateau In Kenya

You can’t afford to miss visiting the Laikipia Plateau the next time you venture on an in Kenya Safari. It spans over two million acres on the edge of the Northern Frontier from the slopes of Mt. Kenya to the rim of the Great Rift Valleyrising from over 5000 ft. to in excess of 9000 ft., it has a huge…

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Sanibel Island Shells

Sanibel Island, located off the southwest coast of Florida, is known for being the best shelling destination in the world. Those who come to Sanibel Island, enjoy the white sandy beaches, but also keep an eye out for the most beautiful shells they can find. Why is it good for Shelling? There are over four hundred species of shells that…

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For Better Muscular Gains Use Intensity Cycling

Over the years, there have been countless numbers of people getting exercise with the use of weights and weight machines in an effort to increase strength and muscle size. They know that training with resistance is the only way to accomplish this goal. All too often however, after a certain period of time, their progress seems to come to a…

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Weight Loss

Bust Through The Weight Loss Plateau

Dieters dread the plateau. You’re on a roll, losing weight steadily and happily for weeks. Your confidence is high and your goal is in sight. Then suddenly your scale freezes. No matter how hard you try, those extra pounds just refuse to budge. You’ve hit a wall and you know the frustration of seeing no progress could easily lead you…

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