
Herbal Beverages Buabok

Buabok (Ariatic pennywort) Scientific Name:Centella asiatic (L.) Urb. Family:UMBELLIFERAE Other names:Pakwaen (The Southern Part, Chantabrui, The Eastern Part) Pak nork (The Northern Part) Panahaekhadhao (Karen-Mae Hongsorn) Tiakamchao Hukkuk (Chinese) Botanical features: TrunkA short – life cycle plant easily grows on wet soil. Roots grow on the plant’s joints from which leaves straightly develop. Leaves The leaves of Buabok plant are…

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Filling A Garden With Flower Power

Flower power is at the heart of countless gardens–and with the range of flowering varieties available today, gardeners have numerous choices. So what flowers are gardeners giving the green-thumbs up to? According to garden store owners, people are looking for plants they can count on to bloom beautifully for months with minimal care. That’s where certain types of new plants…

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Easy Rose Planting

Planting roses is fairly simple gardening stuff. The first thing is to never let the rose roots dry out. If you do, the rose will either perform poorly the first year or simply die. It does help to soak the roots in warm water for an hour before you plant if you’ve purchased the rose as a bareroot plant. Container…

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Soil Basics Creating Fertile Healthy Soil

Have you ever looked at the soil in your garden and considered it as anything more than soil? If not you should because there is a lot more there than meets the eye. It performs many functions that you may not be aware of and having good quality soil in your garden is essential for your plants. In this article…

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How To Take Care Of Your Roses

The rose is a very beautiful flower, often considered to be the queen of all flowers. The inherent beauty of the rose is peerless; no other flower can ever compare to it. Gardeners who have successfully cultivated their own rose gardens prize the fruit of their own labors highly and take a lot of effort to care for and maintain…

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Everybody Can Garden With Containers

Container gardening is fantastic. On its own, a terracotta pot is just a container and summer bedding is just some plants. However, selectively plant the summer bedding in the container, add a few sprinkles of green-fingered expertise and you have created a miniature garden-scape. You are effectively planting a garden in miniature. This is known to some people as container…

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Easy To Grow Seeds And Plants Which Can Be Grown At Home

You may just have doubts of whether the plant will eventually grow or not. Also some plants require additional heat, water and humidity which maybe difficult to provide always. So here, we make gardening simple and easy for you. Here are the top easy to grow plants which will ensure success without fail! Mint This is one of the easiest…

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