Web Hosting

Globes Bring Adventure To Life

Have you ever considered giving world globes as presents to the younger people in your life? It is a great idea and the benefits that the child will receive from a gift like this are great. When you give a child globes, you are literally giving him or her the world itself. It is true that these are fairly low-tech…

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Antarctica Ultimate Wilderness

In the distance something stirs. A drifting polar bear searches for food on the edge of camp. Despite the presence of the huge beast, the men are in little danger. The guns take care of that. It is rare for a bear to wander so close. She must be hungry. For the scientists and professionals who choose to live and…

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Movie Reviews

Lois And Clark The New Adventures Of Superman Review

The New Adventures of Superman was a live-action television series inspired on DC comic books of Superman. It first aired on ABC, 13th of December 1993 and it ran for four seasons with 22 episodes each. Dean Cain, starring as Superman, strange person from different planet with powers and abilities beyond those of a normal human being, who disguised as…

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Save The Planet Hug A Clam

It has become obvious to all but the most unrelentingly stubborn apologists for the oil industry that we now stand at a pivotal moment in the history of our planet. As much fun as it would be to make fun of Al Gore’s pretentious drawl and expanding bald spot, none of us can afford to ignore his clarion call for…

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Web Hosting

Plan Your Destiny With A World Map

There are many educational tools available to parents and teachers these days. From the Internet to PowerPoint presentations, the tools seem limitless. But one of the most useful and powerful tools is still the old fashioned world map. Many of us grew up in the days when one of the most interesting and most used items in the classroom was…

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Globe Of World What Kind Do You Want

It used to be when you decided you wanted a globe of world, there was just the one style available. It was the kind of globe of world that was in every classroom. The ocean was blue, the land was brown and green and if you had a really advanced one, there was a little bit of a textured feel…

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Travel Leisure

Mother Earth Hosts Our Travels

As conscious traveling Paupers we must always be concerned about our dear Mother Earth. If you think about it, you travel across her face, and She is the host to your journey; without Her we could not find the unfolding adventures that attract and feed our souls. I have found some valuable resources for us to use and publisize, all…

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Travel Leisure

A Time Travel Postcard

“IT” (otherwise known as HD 36405.b) isn’t your average “oddball” exo-solar planet made of rock that wobbles on its end & zips around a nearby star in less than 2.46 days. Seeking a spot of serenity somewhere in the universe, I recently booked a deep-discount dodgy berth on the ‘White Elephant Express Space Shuttle’, to a little known place in…

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Web Hosting

Planets Moon Mercury

When most of us think of astrology, we think about our natal sign and not much else. Do you know what some of the major influences are though, that define these Zodiac signs. First and foremost is the Sun. It is the center of all life and represents a person’s personality and spirit. It is the planetary ruler of the…

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