Reference Education

How To Prepare For A Long Flight

The first thing I like to do is to get as little sleep as possible the night before I fly, this way by the time I get to the plane I can hopefully just go to sleep and wake up at my destination. I only recommend this if you are able to perform any tasks you need to do before…

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Cory Lidle What Really Happened And Why

Cory Lidle and Tyler Stanger, his flight instructor crashed into a high rise apartment building this week. What does his death teach us about good solid decision making in our own lives. First of all, accidents resulting in death in private plane accidents are fairly common, and certainly much more common than you would normally believe. First you need to…

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Spin Training

Should You Do Any Spin Training? read this story of mine and you decide for yourself: Back in 1992, after I had been instructing for a few years, I was in the local FBO’s office where I worked. I was waiting for one of my students to come back from a solo flight. When my student came in, he looked…

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How To Prepare For A Long Flight

The first thing I like to do is to get as little sleep as possible the night before I fly, this way by the time I get to the plane I can hopefully just go to sleep and wake up at my destination. I only recommend this if you are able to perform any tasks you need to do before…

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Remote Controlled Planes A Hobby On The Rise

Remote planes are one of the fastest-growing hobbies around, not to mention one of the most fun. You can buy a kit (or even cut wood yourself), build a plane, and then use your remote control to fly your creation around in the park. In recent years their popularity has even begun to catch up to remote-controlled cars: cars might…

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No Gps For Lindbergh

Although flying from New York to Paris is no big deal today, Charles Lindbergh flew his 3,600 mile, 33 1/2 hour flight in 1927 without a telegraph, radio or Global Positioning System (GPS). In his plane, The Spirit of St. Louis, Lindbergh packed a few sandwiches, a couple canteens of water, 451 gallons of gas and a few maps. Several…

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Disease Illness

How To Prepare For A Long Flight

The first thing I like to do is to get as little sleep as possible the night before I fly, this way by the time I get to the plane I can hopefully just go to sleep and wake up at my destination. I only recommend this if you are able to perform any tasks you need to do before…

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Leave Your Fear Of Flying Behind And Go On Holiday

The fear of flying is a phobia that can have a significant impact on a person’s life. Fear of flying can cause a person to have great apprehension in regards to boarding an airplane. Even though that person might know that the airplane is one of the safest modes of travel known to man, they still can’t get past preconceived…

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Your Golf Stroke Laser Guided Precision

Do you dream of consistent laser-guided precision in your drives? We’ll believe it or not, you don’t need any fancy technology. You can develop pin-point, repeatable accuracy with your own in-built laser guidance system. “My own in built laser?” you might ask. Yes, my friend, it’s called the power of focus and with a little practice you can easily acquire…

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