
Tips For Successful Online Relationships

Finding a person online that intrigues you enough to pursue an online relationship is difficult. Once you have found that person you need to revisit the age old issues of developing that relationship. In many respects, some may say that online relationships are easier then in person relationships. But, in reality it is pretty much the same, just a little…

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Arts Entertainment

What Makes Art Valuable

I read an amazing article by Grayson Perry entitled “How art appreciates – it’s a class act”. In a nutshell he reckoned that art finds its true monetary value from what the experts say. But I can see something more from what he says. If a piece of art is to be labeled as having any “value” at all it…

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Earrings A Fashion Statement Of The Ages

An earring is jewelry worn on the earlobe, usually clipped to the earlobe or fastened through a hole made in the earlobe. This is the piece of jewelry that is first noticed when looking at a person. This piece of jewelry decorates the ear and adds to the femininity of a woman. They are worn by both genders but to…

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Interior Design

Buying Furniture At Yard Sales

Buying furniture pieces at yard sales offers many options, but you must look closely to know what you’re getting. Are you interested in trying your hand at some creative furniture painting? If you don’t already have an old piece of furniture to practice on, shopping yard sales is the best way to come up with a piece. If you are…

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Home Improvement

Shopping Tips For Furniture For The Children S Room

The options appear endless and you probably have gift certificates from a baby shower to use. As you fast forward to your second or third child the wonder of shopping for children’s furniture has likely worn off a bit and the realistic aspects of shopping for children’s furniture begins to creep in. In either event, the ideas that you should…

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Buying Paintings

Buying Abstract Paintings

Buying and collecting abstract painting can be a labor of love. I love abstract paintings. I think that my favorite medium is gouache. I recently purchased a work from Oscar Bluemner. The person I bought the abstract painting from had it in storage for over twenty years. I am going to hang this piece in my office. I found an…

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Web Design

Website Development Virtual Real Estate

Do you remember when you could “own a piece of the rock”? Well, now you can own a piece of the web, it is basically the same thing, only it is more like “virtual” real estate. You can put things on your website, and it will stay there, it is yours, you own it. And it is especially useful when…

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Cubs Fans Can Charge With Cubs And Wrigley

Not only are the Cubs charging in the National League Central this season, but so are their fans. The city is selling off pieces of Wrigley Field, one piece at a time! There is something for just about every price range, from $5 tickets from past games to a rare stadium seat that was accidentally colored wrong What’s your Reaction?…

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