Digital Products

Buying A Digital Camera

When it comes to buying a digital camera, you need to ask yourself one question. “What type of pictures am I looking to take?” Then from that point on, try to envision the image perfectly in your mind, also how you would like then to turn out for others to see. From there on in, it can be easy clicking…

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The Latest Advertising Craze

With the internet still in its infancy stage, there is always the next big thing when it comes to advertising. The first one was e-mail marketing, the people that started e-mail marketing in the very beginning have made and will continue to make loads of money. If done properly with no spam and with a highly targeted list, as long…

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Travel Leisure

Travel And Scenic Photography 101

When you are driving through the mountains somewhere, & you notice a automobile parked half off the road & some guy leaning to the left to avoid a branch with his Rebel 2000 camera in the act of focusing, you have met me. I do this because, to me, a trip isn’t fulfilling unless i have preserved that beauty for…

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Time Management

Visualization To Manifest

Creative visualization is the use of ones imagination to create a mental picture of what it is you wish to manifest, thus influencing reality. Creating an idea or mental picture in your brain of exactly what it is you really want is to define the ability to imagine. Repetition on a regular basis with strong emotions and intent gives the…

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Spot The Ball Competitions Brought Online

The position of the ball must be deduced from the positions of the sportsmen shown in the photograph and perhaps where they are looking. The game was extremely popular in the UK in the 1980s as part of newspaper promotions. Players would pay for a certain number of crosses on the picture, which was sent in by post to the…

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Online Dating Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Online dating is a great way for people to find love, but it’s not always as easy and straightforward as we would like it to be. Many people spend months trying to meet the person of their dreams on the Internet and get nowhere. The checklist below will help you troubleshoot your cyber dating experience if things are not going…

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Goal Setting

The Power Of Positive Thought

Is it possible that the world’s greatest achievers think completely differently from the majority? Do you think the Wright brothers could ever have achieved what they did if they hadn’t believed it could be done? Was Mark Spitz’s seven gold medals in swimming a result of I can’t do this? Not to mention Christopher Columbus – imagine that!!!! Have you…

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Online Dating Why Uploading A Picture Is Such A Good Idea

In the world of online dating, one of the issues that keeps coming up is the photo issue. Surveys conducted by dating sites have shown that you are 10 times more likely to get contacted if you have a picture on your profile, regardless of your looks. Still, many people prefer to leave their photo area blank. There are many…

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Learning Photography Composition

Selecting a viewpoint to photograph can be likened to opinion-selecting. Differing opinions are available for most subjects in the world today. There aren’t ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ opinions, just different ones. The same is true about taking a picture. There aren’t any right or wrong viewpoints, just many different ones. If you understand composition, you can take numerous shots of just…

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