Weight Loss

Low Carb Diets Are They Safe

Low carb diets are currently the most popularity type of diet regimen being used by many fitness conscious people. The low carb philosophy is taking the world by storm as millions of people are now trying out this new diet in the hopes of losing excess weight and fat. Proponents of the low carb diet philosophy are also saying that…

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Key To Success

Success… We all aspire to it, talk about it, envy those who achieve it, we think about it, fight for it. It is really worth it. Success comes with reaching our aims and it brings us incomparable satisfaction and happiness. That gives us a unique opportunity to be happy every day, if we achieve small goals every day and step…

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The Five Core Ethics Of The Martial Arts

Many martial arts schools around the world promote a philosophy of self-improvement as well as an expected standard of technical skill. When you think about it, it is the philosophy rather than the technical skill that should influence every practitioner’s daily life. The martial arts philosophy, or at least the traditional karate philosophy, is called the Dojo-Kun. The Dojo-Kun is…

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Yoga History 101

When you practice yoga, it is, of course, not necessary to have a full understanding of yoga history in order to fully benefit from your practice. A brief understanding of the history behind yoga, however, may increase your spiritual practice and inspire you to find out more about the tradition behind the discipline. The first writings about yoga were written…

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