
The Mystery Of Mimicry

While people communicate they use different methods of expressing themselves – gestures always accompany our words and help to express our feelings. Correct interpretation of gestures can tell us even more than words. Some of them demonstrate partner’s unconcealed intentions. Others, on the opposite, reveal his secret thoughts and hidden desires. In both cases, most gestures are considered to be…

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How Gambling Horoscopes Help You Win

Many people believe that by using astrology you can tell your future, and maybe it can not, but by following the advice given in Horoscopes many people find great luck, so how else can it be explained. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that if you believe it is true that you will have good luck on a…

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Are You Inspired In Your Work

Why do we all work? If it is for money, then does it mean that those who earn enough to last a life time or those who inherit, should do no work? Try to find out around with your friends about why they work and surely few of them will answer – for money. If someone who has enough money…

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Health Fitness


Bulimia is term used commonly for an eating disorder called Bulimia nervosa. It is a psychological condition in which a person engages in recurrent binge eating followed by intentionally doing one or more of the following in order to compensate for the intake of the food and prevent weight gain: * vomiting * inappropriate use of laxatives, enemas, diuretics or…

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Weight Loss

The Obesity Solution Secret How To Eat To Lose Fat

I used to interview elite bodybuilders on their training and eating for a living and did this for years and years. One reoccurring theme that kept popping up when talk turned to diet/nutrition was how much food top bodybuilders packed away on a daily basis. These men taught their bodies how to handle continually greater amounts of calories without becoming…

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Ten Ways To Get Ready For Your Next Interview

Like preparing a great meal, interviewing requires preparation. Get good ingredients and give yourself time. Prepare the food on the plate to make the meal attractive. All of these go into a great meal. Taking the time to prepare for an interview will give you a huge leg up on your completion. 1. Schedule interviews at times that work for…

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