
Financial Training For Teens Makes Dollars And Sense

According to a new poll, as they get older, a growing number of American teens own credit and debit cards-and the way many manage them has some people concerned. For example, among teens ages 13-14, only 5 percent reported owning credit cards. Yet at age 17, the percentage of ownership climbs to just under 10 percent and then doubles again…

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Terrific Ways To Stay Hydrated And Healthy

Dehydration is among the most common heat-related dangers for children and adults, so making sure your family meets their daily fluid intake needs should be at the top of your “To Do” list. Dehydration can cause dizziness, nausea and weakness. “The human body is made up of about 60 percent water and can experience dehydration with only a two percent…

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World Cup Betting Update

For many years there has been an argument in sports circles regarding the partaking in sexual activity prior to and leading up to a game, match or prize fight. I mean even in the movie Rocky 1 the Italian Stallion had to say “Yo Adrian no fooling around” the night before he met Apollo Creed in the square circle. Word…

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Weight Loss

Want To Stay Lean Think Green

Think losing weight on an all-you-can-eat diet is the stuff of infomercials? Think again. Obese subjects placed on a vegan diet -excluding meat and animal products, but not limiting calories – lost more weight than a control group that followed a low-calorie, low-cholesterol diet, in a collaborative study by George Washington University and Georgetown University. The veg edge: approximately 13…

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Womens Issues

Migraines And Women

Migraines occur far more frequently in women than in men. In fact, in adult women the rate of frequency is roughly fifteen to seventeen percent, whereas in men it is only about five percent. Studies have concluded that estrogen withdrawal is a key factor in migraines related to menstrual cycles. Twenty-five to thirty percent of all women in their 30s…

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Web Hosting

Business Opportunity And The 80 20 Rule

In business and opportunities the 80/20 rule can be utilised much more frequently and to your advantage. In every walk of life the 80/20 rule seems to hold dominance. 20 percent of actors rake in 80 percent of the wages. 20 percent of sportsmen win 80 percent of the prize money. 80 percent of your business comes from 20 percent…

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Health Fitness

Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage parenthood is by no means a new social phenomenon. Historically, women have tended to begin childbearing during their teens and early twenties. During the past two decades the U. S. teenage birthrate has actually declined (Polit and others, 1982). In the late 1950s, 90 out of 1000 women under 20 gave birth as compared with 52 out of 1000…

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Wealth Building

Seven Secrets Of Millionaires

Secret One: Decide you want to be prosperous and decide that you will do whatever it takes to achieve this goal. In deciding this you are deciding to take action that will change your life. Understand that prosperity does dot just mean being rich or wealthy. It encompasses all things like happiness, health, wealth, life goals and more. Secret Two:…

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