Health Fitness

Intracerebral Hemorrhage Bleeding Inside The Brain

All strokes damage the brain by disrupting circulation, but strokes come in multiple varieties. Because different parts of the brain are specialized to perform specific functions, symptoms produced by strokes vary according to what part of the brain was injured. In one patient the symptom might be weakness on one side of the body. In another it might be a…

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Health Fitness

Truth About Drugs Without Prescription

Online internet pharmacies are fast gaining popularity. It is just one among the millions of virtual shops that one can find over the Internet. A CNN news article says that there are now about 100 million websites in the internet with around 48 million of those sites considered as active or updated on a regular basis. These websites contain a…

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Health Fitness

What Is Keratoconus

Keratoconus is a degenerative non-inflammatory disorder of the eye in which structural changes within the cornea cause it to thin and change to a more conical shape than its normal, even curve. Keratoconus can cause substantial distortion of the vision, with multiple images, streaking and sensitivity to light all often reported by the patient. Though frequently thought of as a…

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Health Fitness

Online Mds Why To Get Your Practice On The Web

Doctors across the United States and around the world are making use of the latest technology and the convenience of the internet in a variety of ways. Whether it’s better patient care or making their presence known in their communities, medical professionals have come to depend on web sites, web hosting, and databases. It is no longer a luxury, but…

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Is Lasik Laser Eye Surgery Painful

LASIK is by far the most prevalent and safest refractive surgery procedure. It has been employed to treat a host of visual anomalies. Since it’s a surgery, people often harbor a false belief that LASIK is a painful procedure. In fact, LASIK is a relatively painless technique, and what the patient experiences during and after the surgery can be categorized…

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Dental Insurance Why It S Important For Your Family

It may often go overlooked, but dental insurance is something that every individual needs to think about. In the event of a sudden toothache, the need for a regular checkup or cleaning and even possibly oral surgery, dental insurance is a must. Coverage is available from a variety of sources, including some employers and national insurance providers. Dental insurance is…

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Narcolepsy What Is It And How Can It Be Treated

What is Narcolepsy? Narcolepsy is a chronic Neurological Disorder which is caused by the brains inability to regulate sleep cycles. At various times during the day, the patient can fall asleep at any time for anything from a few seconds up to a few minutes. The patient has little or no control over falling asleep and it can happen at…

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Health Fitness

General Information On Separation Anxiety

It is natural for human beings to dislike the notion of being separated from someone they care about, or feel connected to in some way. The idea of no longer having significant contact, particularly physical contact, with someone that has become a “part of our life,” as some might say, often results in some unpleasant emotional reactions. This negative emotional…

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Disease Illness

Treatment And Causes Of Gynecomastia

What is Gynecomastia? The word Gynecomastia comes from two Greek words, Gyne meaning Woman and Mastos which means breast. A loose translation would be “woman like breasts”. They are also know as steroid breasts or bitch tits as some people unkindly call them. Gynecomastia actually describes a condition whereby breast tissue builds up in a males chest creating what appear…

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