
Soil Basics Creating Fertile Healthy Soil

Have you ever looked at the soil in your garden and considered it as anything more than soil? If not you should because there is a lot more there than meets the eye. It performs many functions that you may not be aware of and having good quality soil in your garden is essential for your plants. In this article…

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Health Fitness

Hepa Air Cleaners Highly Efficient Cleaning

HEPA air cleaners are one of the most effective ways to remove even the smallest of particles from the air in your home. Using technology developed by the government in the 1950s to protect servicemen from radioactive particles, HEPA air cleaners will reliably and efficiently keep the atmosphere in your home free from wandering particles. The HEPA in the HEPA…

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Health Fitness

Sandblasters And Silicosis

What is Silicosis? Silica is a compound formed from silicon and oxygen, often found in quartz, flint, agate, beach sand, sandstone and glass. When Silica particles are inhaled, it results in the formation of scar tissue in the lungs preventing oxygen from getting in the blood. This condition eventually results in a disease called Silicosis, an incurable and progressive lung…

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Health Fitness

Electronic Air Cleaners Low Maintenance For Big Improvements In Air Quality

Electronic air cleaners are a relatively inexpensive and low maintenance way of removing airborne particles from the atmosphere in your home. Using electrostatic technology to provide a sort of filterless air purifier, electronic air cleaners are a safe way to keep your air particle, fume and dust-free. These filterless air purifiers work by using the scientific principle of electrostatics. This…

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